Give me a list of words to help discover myself
- Values
- Beliefs
- Goals
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Fears
- Dreams
Personal Qualities:
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Empathy
- Resilience
- Courage
- Ambition
- Creativity
Personality Traits:
- Extroverted vs. Introverted
- Intuitive vs. Sensing
- Feeling vs. Thinking
- Judging vs. Perceiving
Life Experiences:
- Challenges
- Triumphs
- Relationships
- Failures
- Accomplishments
Interests and Passions:
- Hobbies
- Activities
- Books
- Movies
- Music
Values and Beliefs:
- Ethics
- Morals
- Priorities
- Ideals
- Religion/Spirituality
Purpose and Meaning:
- Life goals
- Mission statement
- Contributions to society
- Legacy
Emotional Intelligence:
- Self-awareness
- Self-regulation
- Empathy
- Social skills
- Motivation
Cognitive Abilities:
- Intelligence
- Learning style
- Problem-solving skills
- Memory
- Attention
- Health
- Fitness
- Body image
- Physical desires
Social Connections:
- Friendships
- Family relationships
- Community involvement
- Social media presence
- Networking
Growth and Development:
- Learning
- Challenges
- Mentors
- Inspiration
- Self-improvement